
需要完成健康和安全要求的学生将被要求在CastleBranch创建一个帐户. MyCB是安全的, 在线平台,允许学生订购背景调查或药物测试(如果您的项目需要),并设置您的医疗文件管理器. Students are responsible for the purchase of tests or procedures. 一旦您下了订单, 您将使用您的登录信息访问您的MyCB帐户,以上传和维护您的待办事项列表中的要求. 的ir is an iPhone App for those with Apple devices. 说明如下.

健康 & 安全 requirement initial deadlines for new students: 

  • 春季学期:一月. 30 (Exception: Nurse Anesthesia program deadline is Sept. 30)
  • 夏季学期:五月三十日
  • 秋季学期:九月. 30

每个程序都有自己的软件包代码,这些代码将直接通过电子邮件发送给学生. Requirements are aligned with your academic program. Please take your time in reading this valuable information, 健康和安全合规是非常重要的. 

  • 请通读PG电子APP 健康和安全网页.

  • 整个过程都是在线的.

  • 建议使用Mozilla Firefox和Google Chrome浏览器.  

  • Your program code will be emailed to your personal email account.

  • 的 total cost will display on the page when entering the program code. (If you are an international student and are completing a background check, please call CastleBranch to request the cost of the background check, 价格因国家而异.)

  • 您将使用您的包裹代码下订单。 在线 注册您的新帐户. 的 date to place your order will be in your personal email message. If you have an account already set up from another college/university, you will still need to purchase this package for your program. Once you register for courses and obtain your PG电子APP email address, 请将CastleBranch中的电子邮件地址更新为该帐户,而不是您的个人电子邮件地址.

  • 如果你需要帮助,你可以回顾: CastleBranchPG电子APP 视频常见问题库. T在这里 is a video to show how to place an order with a package code. 请查看此链接,因为它可能提供许多答案,并帮助您与您的帐户现在和将来. 

  • 每学期开始的学生要求的截止日期如上所述. 不要等到最后一刻才上传你的信息,因为这需要一些时间来完成.

  • MyCB账户有两个方面.
    1. 待办事项列表 is w在这里 you will upload what the College is asking you to do. Please note, College employees have access to this information. 
    2. 文档中心 你上传的所有东西都会自动在“我的文件临床需求”轨道上放一份副本. 只有你能接触到这些信息. 
      1. 在文档中心中,使用 我的文档, 如果你计划参加学术旅行,你可以制作其他文件夹来存储诸如课堂作业或护照副本之类的东西. 的 site is secure and available as long as you have internet access.
      2. 文档中心的另一个特性是 共享文档 您可以按照以下流程安全地共享需求或文档:选择谁获得访问权限, 选择要分享的内容和记录的时间. 如果你的诊所想要你的任何文件的副本,这是有用的.

  • 如果你的包裹需要药检, you will receive an email about 48 hours after registering for your MyCB account. 的 email will contain an attachment (Drug Test Authorization Form from Form Fox). 您需要从您的电子设备打印或显示此附件表格(它应该在右上方有条形码或QR码)。. 的 drug testing lab location will be based on the zip code you entered, and CastleBranch will find a Quest Diagnostics lab in that area. If you have questions about the lab, please call CastleBranch. 的 authorization form is proof of payment and also an order form. You do not pay the lab as this was included in your package price. 一旦药物测试完成,条形码就会将结果报告链接回您的帐户.

  • 如果您选择下载iPhone应用程序, 打开myCB帐户后,您将被要求输入您的电子邮件地址(学院电子邮件)和密码(您创建的)。. From t在这里 you will be prompted to enter a 4 digit PIN number (you create). 的n, when using the app, you only need to enter the PIN number.

    使用app功能上传文档时,会提示你拍照. When taking a photo, be sure not to crop out information on the documentation. 你需要拍一张完整文件的照片.e. 完整的8 1/2 x 11纸),并检查,看看图像是否清晰,然后接受照片. Next, it will prompt you to either “use the photo” or “retake photo”. If you select use, it will attach the image and then prompt you to submit. When you click submit, the attachment(s) will be sent. If you need to take a photo of the front and back of a document, you will repeat these steps to add both attachments before clicking submit. Once the submit button is selected, it is sent to review.  

  • 待办事项清单要求:
    • 内布拉斯加州卫生和人类服务部的文件将通过 东北的发病率 门户网站. 如果您无法在网上验证您的身份, you may be prompted to complete a form that will require a notary. All instructions to complete this process are in your MyCB account. 
    • 有两个相关的要求 HIPAA和血源性病原体培训. 这些将通过 帆布目录, and you will upload a copy of your Certificate of Completion from the courses. All instructions for this process are in your MyCB account.
    • 的 requirements may include logging into other 门户网站s. 请注意并扩展需求以查看完整的需求标准.
    • 免疫接种:
      • If you are employed and have an employee health office, 请要求打印出您的免疫接种,以便将您当前的信息上传到您的帐户.
      • Your influenza vaccine is not due until November 30, and t在这里 is no need to upload anything until then. 对于在校学生, 学院将在11月的第一周举办一个全校范围的免费疫苗接种诊所.
      • If all your immunization information is on one page, 你可以分别上传相同的文件(照片或扫描文件).
    • 美国劳工统计局认证 必须 美国心脏协会卫生保健提供者的基本生命支持课程. No other certification (Red Cross, National 安全 Council, etc.)将被接受。. 的 courses are available through PG电子APP 专业发展. 高级心血管生命支持(ACLS)和儿科高级生命支持(PALS)也可用.
    • 如果需要体检, 有一个表格可以从您的帐户中下载并打印,供您的提供商填写. 考试本质上是一项体育体检. 如果你需要任何免疫接种, 请在您与您的供应商访问期间完成此操作,以避免额外的访问和共付费用.
  • 对于你的项目,根据你的临床轮转,你可能会有额外的机构加入
    完成要求. 如果您需要将这些信息保存在您的帐户中,届时您将收到进一步的指示. This track is a repository with three upload options. 

  • 定义:
    • 上传:附件文件以传真、扫描或照片的方式提交到您的MyCB账户. Reminder: if you are uploading from a computer desktop/laptop, be sure to use only Firefox or Chrome as your internet browser. 
    • Pending Review:提交的文档被发送到CastleBranch的审阅者队列中. 审稿人已经收到了一份学院要求的清单,如果文件不符合标准, 它会导致它被拒绝. 如果拒绝了, you will then receive an email (to your College email) with the reason why, 您需要重新提交所需的内容. If it is accepted, your account 待办事项列表 will then show Complete (in green). During the review, if the requirement is recurring (i.e., TB is an annual requirement) your account is then set with the renewal date, 你会在60点收到一封提醒邮件, 续订日期前30和21天. 打开提示,为维护您的帐户的需求添加新的文档. 审查可能需要几天时间,可能会在假期或恶劣天气期间有所波动.
    • Onboarding: Site specific requirements such as a special background check, 取向包, site confidentiality forms or special computer access forms. 

  • 如果你担心最后期限, please contact your Program Director and/or Advisor to discuss options.

  • 最后的, 当你毕业时, 您将更新您的MyCB帐户到您的个人电子邮件以备将来使用,待办事项列表将被存档.

点击 在这里 从app Store下载应用程式(只适用于iPhone).

Please don’t hesitate to call or email the Compliance Office with questions at You can also contact the CastleBranch Help Desk at 888.666.7788.